Stretching Exercises

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Stretches and Exercises for Specific Conditions

Exercise is an important part of recovery from any muscle, bone or joint condition. Please make certain you understand the exercises prescribed by the doctor and only do those indicated. Do not do more than has been recommended. Our goal is to rehabilitate an injury or condition and not to create a weight lifting champion, body builder or athletic competitor. We have other exercises for those goals...these are not they. Please do only those items recommended and do them exactly as recommended.

Acute Cervical Spine Injuries

Ankle Sprain


Cervical Disc Syndrome

Cervical Sprain



Knee Sprain

Lumbar Degenerative Joint Disease

Lumbar Disc Syndrome

Migraine Headaches


Posterior Joint Syndrome

Rotator Cuff Strain

Sacroloiliac Sprain

Tension Headaches

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome


Low Back Pain